about First November Group

Transforming strategy into opportunity

First November Group provides discrete political advocacy on behalf of our members.

We are part of the influential Centre for MC group of companies who have won successful campaigns in the UK to legalise medicinal cannabis and to provide regulatory clarity for sales of consumer CBD food products. 

Our achievements place the UK at the global forefront of the cannabinoid sector.

We understand that regulation and public policy have a profound impact on our members’ business operations. Our commitment is to ensure that social responsibility combined with smart regulation are the key drivers for industry growth.

Put simply, we’re connected at the highest level of UK policy making.

what we do

1. Influencing key policy makers

I. Host quarterly dinners with Ministers, senior parliamentarians, advisors and policy makers.

II. Operate as a bureau for initiating political and senior public policy connections.

III. Provide 24/7 political and parliamentary engagement and advocacy on behalf of our members.

2. Shaping the cannabis regulatory landscape

First November Group backs The Hodges Review, a wide ranging commission to assess regulation and public policy relating to the UK’s legal cannabis industry. 

Led by Professor Christopher Hodges (Emeritus Professor of Justice Systems, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford) the report will provide a blueprint for how the government can accelerate the UK’s path to becoming the global leader in cannabinoid research and innovation.


Considering membership?

Membership of the First November Group is discreet and open to companies supporting the UK’s legal cannabis industry. 

 1 – Investors

 2 – Professional services

 3 – Ancillary companies

Join us and engage with those crafting the UK’s regulatory policy.

Legal cannabis companies operating in the medicinal or wellness markets are invited to join the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis (CMC) and/or the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI).

join us

Membership enquiry

Please complete the form below or call 0800 310 1054 and our membership manager will contact you.